State Lawmakers Push for Police Reform Measures in Final Weeks of Legislative Session

Prior to adjourning for a truncated legislative summer recess, Members from both legislative houses have amended several pieces of legislation aimed at modifying law enforcement’s policies, procedures, and tactics.

2020-07-06T16:39:01-07:00July 5th, 2020|

Navigating Fiscal Emergencies in the Time of Coronavirus: Tools from the Great Recession Revisited

Declaring a fiscal emergency, and implementing appropriate remedial measures, may be an unfortunate reality for some local agencies in light of the COVID-19 epidemic.

2020-05-19T21:41:11-07:00May 19th, 2020|

Governor Newsom’s May Budget Revision Comes up Short on Local Government Funding—Shifts Pressure to the Federal Government

On May 14, 2020, Governor Newsom presented his 2020-2021 Budget May Revision. The Governor opened by outlining the stark contrast between his optimistic January budget proposal which reflected record low unemployment, a thriving economy and projected surplus of 5.6 billion in revenue with the reality that we are faced with today.

2020-05-15T18:37:19-07:00May 15th, 2020|

Swift Actions taken by the Governor and Legislature Re: COVID – 19 Outbreak Including New One-Stop Website

During a time of certain anxiety and uncertainty, Governor Newsom as well as the California Legislature has taken swift, decisive and bipartisan action in an effort to support Cities, Counties and school districts to combat the growing spread of COVID-19 otherwise known as the Novel Coronavirus. All efforts are aimed at “flattening the curve” of those who will become infected—preserving resources (e.g. medical staff, hospital beds, ventilators etc.) for those Californians at the highest risk levels.

2020-03-23T17:05:16-07:00March 18th, 2020|

Housing, Contracting, Wildfires and More: Legislative Update – 2020 Trends and First Legislative Deadline

With this year as the final year of the two-year session, Members are making the last push to successfully complete their policy goals and campaign promises before heading back to their districts for the fall recess.  With thousands of measures awaiting committee referrals making sense of what is “out there” can be somewhat of a challenge for a variety of reasons. 

2020-03-27T12:37:56-07:00March 18th, 2020|

Dane Hutchings and Art Hartinger to Present on Independent Contractors at League City Managers Conference

RPPG Director, Government Affairs Dane Hutchings and Renne Public Law Group Founding Partner Art Hartinger will provide insight on pensions and independent contractors at the 2020 League of California Cities City Managers Conference, which will take place from February 5-7 at the Meritage Resort in Napa.

2020-03-27T12:38:16-07:00February 4th, 2020|

Dane Hutchings Served as Panelist for San Luis Obispo Chamber of Commerce’s State of the State

RPPG’s Director, Government Affairs Dane Hutchings brought his expertise in state government and politics to the Central Coast on October 27 at the San Luis Obispo Chamber of Commerce’s annual State of the State. 

2020-03-27T12:38:27-07:00October 1st, 2019|
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